Tuesday, December 23, 2008

TradeForProfit - Affiliates Explained

TradeForProfit - Affiliates Explained: "Have you ever wondered how the compare sites make money? You know the ones i mean, compare insurance prices, car prices, elecrical goods- you can compare almost anything today. Well the guys that run the compare sites are affiliates for ALL the companies that they are comparing so they don't care which one you buy from as they get a percentage for every sale- clever eh. Most people using the compare sites would say that it's free, well the affiliates get paid which means the host companies has to recup that money from it's customers meaning that general price trends go up.

The beauty of affiliate selling is that you don't need any stock, don't need to make a drop dead good website or worry about correct pricing. You ONLY need to worry about sending traffic to the host website as cheaply and effectively as possible."

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